Why Keep a Dog When You Can Bark Yourself?
Modern Feminism, particularly its challenging of traditional female roles in society, is yet to take a decent foothold among Kenyan women, it would appear. Overall, 66 per cent prefer to personally undertake household cooking duties, a trend most prominent in the low-income classes, and gradually diminishing in the mid-and high-income groups. More women, therefore, are cooking themselves, with house-help cooking restricted to high-income households. And what about those not inclined to cook? 37 per cent buy and consume ready-to-eat food from out-of-home at least once a week, particularly the singles, the non-parents, and the high-incomes. As you may recall from elsewhere in our research, these are the same groups that responded “Better!” when we asked, “Compared to last year, is your life generally worse, the same, or better?” Lanes, people!

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